Information for authors

Submitted articles are subjected to editorial assessment and receive a formal editorial identification number used in further stages of the editorial process. Every submitted article is reviewed. Publication is possible after receiving positive reviews

The editorial office does not pay royalties.

Guidelines for preparing papers

  • Articles for publication in AURA should have scientific or popular-science character and deal with current issues of the environmental problems.
  • Articles must be original, not previously published.
  • The article should involve a narrow topic but treated thoroughly without repeating general knowledge information included in the widely known literature.
  • Articles should be of a clear and logical structure: the material should be divided into parts with titles reflecting its content. The conclusions should be clearly stated at the end of the paper.
  • The article should be adequately supplemented with illustrations, photographs, tables etc. however, their number should be limited to absolute necessity.
  • The title of the article should be given in Polish and English as well as the abstract and keywords.
  • The article should include mailing and e-mail addresses of the author(s).
  • The article should be electronically submitted in * doc or * docx format. Equations should be written in the editors, with a clear distinction between 0 and O. If the equations exceed the width of column (8 cm) they must be moved, otherwise use double width column (16 cm).
  • The article should not exceed 8 typewritten pages - 30 lines per page, 60 characters per line, without corrections (AURA page contains about 5000 characters without spaces, title, etc.). The article should be prepared in black, without underlining, colored appliqués and other subprints, frames, etc.
  • Photographs, drawings, graphics, charts - should not exceed A4 format (minimum size 13×18 cm) and should contain a description. They should not be placed in the text of the article - only the place of the graphic element should be marked there.
  • Cited literature should be marked in the text of the article with the size of the text, not the upper fraction, in square brackets. The literature list in alphabetical order, numbered with digits in square brackets, should be placed at the end of the article.
  • Bibliographic notation should be given in the form: surname, first name of the author, year of publication, title (in italics), publishing house, place of publication, volume, alternatively: journal title (simple); no./issue/vol.; pages.
  • The authors guarantee that the content of the paper and drawings are originally theirs (if not the source must be included). The authors by submitting the article transfer the ownership rights to the publisher for paper and electronic publication.
  • The editorial staff will document all form of scientific misconduct, especially violations of the rules of ethics applicable in science.